Our Values

“Every single engagement you have with your client is an opportunity to reinforce your brand, for better or for worse.”

– Sam McKenna
See Sam speak to this as a member of LinkedIn’s influencer series

Exceptional client service is at the core of the #samsales culture, the sales methodology and the belief system. But, how does one define what the experience looks like? Here are a few examples of what we believe to be true in sales and in working with our clients.

Be a Gracious Loser

You won’t always win the deal and it’s how you behave afterwards that matters.

The Urgent Bird Gets the Worm

Time kills deals – responsiveness and follow through on your commitments is everything.

Give First

We donate a minimum of three hours a week to individuals and causes hoping to succeed but without the financial means to do so.

Do the Unexpected

Send thank you notes – in general and when you lose the deal. Donate to a food bank on behalf of your clients before virtual lunch meetings. Be a connector and introduce your clients to one another!

Give More Than Is Expected. Always.

We have one job in sales

To solve your problem directly or find someone who can.